Friday, June 24, 2011

Please Pray for Us!

Well here we are...the eve of the night that we prepare our hearts to say goodbye, hopefully for a very short period of time.  It is such a strange feeling to be so excited to return home to our children yet so heavy hearted and burdened because we have no choice but to leave another of our children. 

Although, we will be here all day tomorrow, we will only get to see Ivan once in the morning.  The director and other staff are off because of the weekend and she has very graciously allowed us to come back one time without them being there.  We are grateful because I was not ready to say goodbye today.  Of course tomorrow won't be any easier. 

Please pray for us!  You could pray for the obvious, that we would be comforted. But, also please pray for our son!  We can really tell that even today he was responding very differently to us and we hate to leave.  We don't want there to be days where he is laying in a crib.  Also, please pray for his health, that he would remain well and strong until we return.  Finally pray that the remainder of the paperwork goes very quickly.  My goal is to have it sent back withink a week.  That means a lot of preparation and then a trip to the county clerk for county authentication and then to Nashville for Apostilles.  It will be a lot of work and time, all while getting back into the groove at home and loving on our babies, who we have missed immensely!!  The sooner we get home and get this stuff done, the sooner we come back for our son!  And finally pray for the remaining finances.  God will provide...He has been so faithful providing exactly what is needed at every turn!  Here is some of Day 4 with our son!:)

We could not be doing this without all of you!  Thank you for your support, your emails, prayers, donations, taking care of our children, your tears of has blessed us greatly and because of your sacrifice, we are closer to bringing Ivan home!


Katie said...

beautiful shots. enjoy your time with him and then come home and prepare for the final step before he comes home FOR GOOD! i am so glad you guys have had a blessed time there this week. wow. keep us posted~! love you all

Jesus said...

Praying and waiting to here that Ivan's home safe, sound and SOON!

Carrie said...

Praying so for your departure tomorrow (today). Kissing T & S today for ya was pure JOY! You two are doing a great job nurturing these babes:) They are so secure and happy, have a nice schedule and people begging to be with them. I thought today how precious connected lives become when parents have to be out of pocket:) Btw, talk about fast food for "Vanya"!! That spoon was quite the serving size! Love you guys!