Monday, November 03, 2008

Oh How They've Grown...

Thanks to my hubby for a great idea! These pics have been taken over the last 3 years. I so hope that we can continue to do this until their teen years and completely embarass them before they go out with their friends...haha!

2006-From L to R: Caleb, Caeden, Emma, Noah, Emily

2007-From L to R: Noah, Austin, Caeden, Emma, Caleb, Emily, Hannah

2008-From L to R: Sarah Beth, Austin, Noah, Emma, Emily, Timothy, Caleb, Caeden

It sure is fun to see the number of kiddos on the couch grow. Maybe next year, there will be some new additions:)...and good heavens, I am not pregant again!

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Tracy said...

Great idea about the photo! Here via the Moore's blog. :)

JSM said...

Man, would it be too much to ask to line them up in the same order? Come on Karen!!

laurie said...

That's an awesome picture...Some of their faces are priceless. hehe

Wade's World said...

Cute pictures!

I just found you through your comment on Boothe Seller's blog, and I wanted you to know that I too am praying for Rebekah's little one.

I am also passing on her blog to some of my bloggy prayer partners.

Ginny said...

Karen, not only do I love the pictures (especially this year's since it's the one I haven't seen before), but I LOVE your new blog background too!!! So fun!

I really enjoyed talking to you yesterday. I talked to my mom about the frame stroller and she thinks it's brilliant! I'm so excited!

Talk to you Sat. Love you!