Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Look what ended up in our bed...

It has become somewhat of a habit for Emily to crawl into bed with us around 7:30 every morning. It doesn't last for long if it is a weekday because we all are up and running when D heads off to work (we have to go outside and wave everyday...rain or shine:). But on the weekends, the four of us get to hang out together just a little bit longer and it is a sweet time! Sure, it would be great to sleep in, but I'm sure the day will come when our babies are too big or too cool to crawl into our bed, so I will enjoy as many mornings like this as I possibly can. My favorite thing is the way our babies smell in the morning after having a bath the night before...I just can't get enough of it!

The sleepiness doesn't last for long as it gives way to this...

and this...

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Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Timothy Getting His Groove On!...

He may look like his daddy, but he likes to dance like his mommy!! Derek and Em were watching American Idol, or "The Singing Show" as we call it, last night and D noticed that every time they were singing, Timothy would start moving to the beat...hilarious!! Derek started to make a beat after the music went off and T was still moving. This morning in his high chair, I started snapping and moving my head and shoulders and he started groovin' again...funny little guy! I think the video may post sideways, but it's worth the neck strain:)...oh and as a sidenote, I think the funniest part is D reassuring Emily that "it's gonna get good" after she says, "I don't yike this song" and then Derek's response to T's dance skills. Incidentally, Emily told Derek that Adam was her favorite last night:)...we're a little nervous about that! HAH! (Don't forget to mute the sound on the Playlist at the bottom of the screen)